Monday 18 June 2012


Prometheus (2012)

Directed by Ridley Scott, Starring Noomi Rapace (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), Michael Fassbender (X-Men First Class, Ingolrious Basterds) and Charlize Theron (Monster, Aeon Flux).

There was chatter between movie goers for a long time whether or whether not Prometheus is an Alien prequel. I can say right now that it definitely is. The film is set in the year 2093 tells the story of a group of scientists on the exploration ship Prometheus who travel for over two years to reach a distant moon believed to maintain life. Their travel is a result of the discovery of cave paintings of unrelated civilisations that contain an invitation to this distant moon. The crew discovers the birth of man, but may inadvertiley spell it's end.

I have been looking forward to this movie since I heard about it about a year ago so I was really setting myself up for disappointment but I was far from it. The pace of the movie is painstakenly slow at points but this ads to the tension of the few scenes that make you jump out of your seat and then squirm with fear. The special effects of this movie are simply phenomenal. From the start of the movie sweeping through the scottish highlands to the barren wastelands of the alien moon, you are blown away. The use of 3-D is also very well done as it is one of those few movies where you don't have to remove your glasses to relieve your eyes. The acting is also quite respectable for this type of movie, with Michael Fassbender brilliant as the Android David with a secret to hide.

Overall this is an awesome movie well worht watching. It blends the sci-fi horror genre made famous by Ridley Scott back in 1979 with the modern day special effects movie to perfection. The horror element tends to be few and far between but when it pops up, it pops up with a vengence, que the emergency cesearean scene. If you are a big fan of Alien, like I am, you will be fist pumping when you see the gun ship from that movie. There are a few plot holes but it is set up for a typical Scott style directors cut in 10 years. In my opinion go see this movie!

Overall Verdict: Best Movie so far this Year - 5 stars

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