Wednesday 17 April 2013


Oblivion (2013)

Predicted Rating: 2.5 stars

Directed by: Joseph Kosinski (Tron Legacy). Starring: Tom Cruise (Mission: Impossible), Morgan Freeman (The Shawshank Redemption), and Olga Kurylenko (Quantum of Solace)

Set in the year 2077, 60 years after the Earth was invaded by a race of aliens known as Scavengers (Scavs), Oblivion sees the Earth left a deserted wasteland. After the moon is destroyed, the human race is forced to flee to the moon Titan even though the human race had defeated the Scavs. After having their memory wiped, Jack Harper (Cruise) and his communications officer, Victoria (Andrea Riseborough), are stationed on the planet to maintain the machines designed to harness energy from the Earth's ocean and repair the drones that are use to patrol the area and destroy the remaining Scavs. Jack is constantly haunted by a woman in his dreams that appears to have some link to his past (Kurylenko). After a mysterious object crashes nearby, Jack discovers that it is a human space ship inhabited by the woman from his dreams. From this point forward, the events from the past are revealed...

Well tie me down and call me Sally, I did not expect that at all. Going into the movie I expected a mundane Sci-Fi movie and even twenty minutes in I just expected Oblivion to go through the motions and end in the same direction it started. It actually did everything but. It had more twists and turns that Chubby Checker in a blender. Maybe I enjoyed it more because I wasn't expecting a monumental plot twist (and I am sorry I have just ruined the mystery for everyone now). I don't mean to brag but I am reasonably good at picking plot twists when I know there is one coming. I picked maybe the three most infamous plot twists, The Sixth Sense, Fight Club, and Sleepaway Camp, during the movie on the basis that there was going to be one. As I was not expecting one in Oblivion, it hit me in the face like a rogue salmon. This made this film an intellectual thrill ride as you had no idea what was going to happen next and just as you thought you worked everything out, it completely changed direction once more.

One word I was reluctant in using in the above accolade was original. On the surface, Oblivion appears an innovative and ground breaking piece of Sci-Fi folklore. However, when you dig down further you find out it is essentially a mash-up of themes and story lines from other Sci-Fi classics. Jack having a recurring dream about a woman from his past is very similar to what is explored in Brazil. The lone man fighting against a unknown army on a post-apocalyptic Earth is the same story line as The Omega Man. This one is being a bit pedantic but during the film there was an image of the Statue of Liberty shown which is a firm reminder that if the world does end, stay away from the statue as the image has been used in countless disaster movies including Cloverfield, The Day After Tomorrow, Escape from New York, and most infamously, Planet of the Apes. There are also two glaringly obvious plots that are borrowed but I will not reveal them as they will give away the ending. I know it is hard to be original in today's Sci-Fi, well in any genre really, but Oblivion pushes the line of blatant plagiarism at times.

After finishing the movie, I was unsure whether this movie would, excuse the pun, fade into oblivion like so many other Sci-Fi's. Many Sci-Fi's, such as Star Wars, Star Trek and Blade Runner, stay in movie folklore for a long time and are enjoyed by generations to come. Other films, such as Dune, Lifeforce, and Cocoon, whilst being good films, seem to come and go like the bus. Oblivion appears to be stuck in the middle. It is to commercial to become a cult classic and it is too intellectual to become a commercial success. Unfortunately, the formula seems to be that if your Sci-Fi has a one word title it will be long forgotten. Oblivion appears to be destined for the same fate as its one word predecessors.

Overall: A highly enjoyable intellectual thrill ride that pays homage to many Sci-Fi classics, 3.5 stars. Thumbs up - go and see this movie.

Next Time: Unfortunately I will be on a six week hiatus meaning that I miss out on such movies as The Hangover III, Fast and the Furious 6, The Great Gatsby, Iron Man 3 and most disappointingly The Evil Dead and Star Trek Into Darkness. Hopefully I can watch these when I return.

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